How Sancy Suraj’s, CEO of the Umonics Method, is Revolutionizing Memory Training for Kids

We had the pleasure of sitting down with Sancy Suraj, the CEO of the Umonics Method, to discuss how her company is revolutionizing memory training for preschoolers. Suraj is a dynamic entrepreneur who has made it her mission to help children develop strong memory skills from an early age. She is also the founder of Pinnacle Minds and Knowles Training Institute, which have been successful ventures in their own right.

Through our interview with Suraj, we gained valuable insights into her approach to teaching memory techniques to young children, the impact that the Umonics Method has had on children who participate in it, the challenges she faced in developing and promoting her method, and her long-term goals for the Umonics Method.

What inspired you to start The Umonics Method and focus on memory training for preschoolers?
The inspiration behind The Umonics Method stems from my personal experience with memory training and its significant impact on my life. As a memory athlete and a Guinness World Record holder for the longest color sequence memorized, I have seen firsthand the transformative power of memory training. I firmly believe that memory is a skill that can be developed and strengthened with practice, just like any other skill, and that this skill is critical for success in both academic and personal life.

As I reflected on my own experience with memory training, I realized that these techniques could be taught to young children at a young age to help them develop strong foundations for lifelong learning. Memory training is a skill that is often overlooked in early childhood education, but I believe that it should be taught alongside reading and writing. I founded The Umonics Method to provide young children with the tools they need to memorize and recall information with ease, laying the groundwork for a successful academic journey.

Moreover, memory training is not just about academic success; it is also an essential life skill that can be used in all aspects of life. From remembering important dates and appointments to recalling people’s names, memory is essential in daily life. By teaching preschoolers memory techniques at a young age, we are giving them the gift of a valuable life skill that will serve them well into adulthood. I believe that memory training is a vital component of early childhood education, and I am proud to have founded The Umonics Method to provide children with the opportunity to develop and strengthen their memory skills.

How do you approach teaching memory techniques to young children? What are some of the key strategies you use?
At The Umonics Method, we understand that young children have a different learning style than adults. That’s why our approach to teaching memory techniques to young children is unique and tailored to suit their learning abilities. We believe in making learning fun and engaging for kids. We use a combination of visual aids, stories, and games to help them remember and recall information with ease.

One key strategy we use is repetition. Repetition is critical when teaching memory techniques to young children. We break down information into small chunks and repeat them over and over again until it is embedded in their long-term memory. We also use associations to help them remember information. For example, we might associate a particular color with a word or an image with a number. This technique helps them remember and recall information effortlessly.

Another key strategy we use is visualization. We encourage children to create mental images in their minds to remember things. For example, if we want them to remember the word “apple,” we might ask them to imagine taking a bite out of a juicy red apple. This technique helps them remember information better than just memorizing words on a page.

We also make learning multisensory. Children learn best when they can use all of their senses. We use music, colors, and even movements to help children remember information. For example, we might teach them a song to remember the days of the week or use hand gestures to help them remember numbers.

How have you seen The Umonics Method impact the children who participate in it? Are there any success stories you could share?
At The Umonics Method, we have seen a significant impact on the children who participate in our program. Our students have not only become more confident but have also developed a lifelong love for learning. One of our key successes has been the improvement in their academic performance. Children who previously struggled in subjects such as mathematics and science have shown remarkable improvements in their grades. Furthermore, our students have been able to retain information more effectively, which has resulted in better memory recall and greater long-term retention of knowledge.

We have also observed positive changes in the behavior and attitude of our students. The Umonics Method promotes a growth mindset, which encourages children to embrace challenges and persevere through difficult situations. Our students have become more resilient and determined in their approach to learning. They have also shown greater creativity and critical thinking skills, which are essential for success in today’s rapidly evolving world.

One success story I can share is that of a student who had previously struggled with memorizing vocabulary words in his English class. After participating in The Umonics Method program, he was able to memorize the words with ease and even went on to win the class spelling bee competition. Another student who had difficulty in remembering multiplication tables was able to learn them quickly using our memory techniques and went on to excel in mathematics.

“At The Umonics Method, we believe that every child has the potential to excel in their academic pursuits. Through our program, we have witnessed remarkable transformations in our students’ abilities to retain information, develop critical thinking skills, and achieve academic success. Our success stories are a testament to the power of memory techniques and a growth mindset in unlocking a child’s true potential.”

What challenges have you faced in developing and promoting The Umonics Method, and how have you overcome them?
Developing and promoting The Umonics Method has not been an easy journey. One of the biggest challenges we faced was changing the perception of memory training in Singapore. Many people believed that memory training was only for those with poor memory or for those in their golden years. It took a lot of effort to convince parents that memory training is an essential skill that should be taught to children from a young age, just like reading and writing. We overcame this challenge by conducting numerous seminars and workshops to educate parents on the importance of memory training and its benefits for children’s cognitive development.

Another challenge we faced was developing a comprehensive memory training program that would be suitable for preschoolers. We had to research and study child psychology to understand how young children learn and develop their memory skills. We also had to create a program that would be engaging and fun for preschoolers, so they would be motivated to learn and practice memory techniques. To overcome this challenge, we hired a team of experts in child development and memory training to design our program. We also conducted extensive pilot tests to ensure that our program was effective and enjoyable for preschoolers.

Finally, promoting The Umonics Method has also been a challenge. We had to compete with other enrichment programs that were more well-known and established in Singapore. To overcome this challenge, we focused on creating a strong online presence by developing a user-friendly website and engaging in social media marketing. We also partnered with preschools and educational centers to offer our program as an enrichment option. Through these partnerships, we were able to gain more exposure and attract more parents to try out our program.

In conclusion, developing and promoting The Umonics Method has had its fair share of challenges. However, we have overcome these challenges through dedication, hard work, and a commitment to providing high-quality memory training for preschoolers. We will continue to strive to make memory training a fun and essential part of early childhood education in Singapore and beyond.

In addition to your work with preschoolers, you also run Pinnacle Minds and Knowles Training Institute. How do these other ventures complement your work with The Umonics Method?
Yes, I would be happy to answer that question for you. Running Pinnacle Minds and Knowles Training Institute has been a great complement to my work with The Umonics Method. Both of these ventures focus on providing training and development services for adults, which has given me a wealth of experience in developing effective teaching methods and strategies that can be applied to different age groups.

The experience I gained from running Pinnacle Minds and Knowles Training Institute has allowed me to bring new and innovative teaching techniques to The Umonics Method. For example, I have been able to incorporate aspects of adult learning theory into the program, which has made it more engaging and effective for young children. Additionally, my experience in business and entrepreneurship has helped me to build a strong foundation for The Umonics Method and scale the program to reach more children around the world.

Furthermore, the success of Pinnacle Minds and Knowles Training Institute has given me the opportunity to promote The Umonics Method to a wider audience. Many of our clients at Pinnacle Minds and Knowles Training Institute are parents, educators, and business leaders who are interested in providing their children or employees with effective memory training techniques. Through these ventures, I have been able to showcase the effectiveness of The Umonics Method and build a strong reputation for the program in the wider community.

“Running Pinnacle Minds and Knowles Training Institute has allowed me to bring a wealth of experience and innovative teaching techniques to The Umonics Method, ultimately creating a more engaging and effective program for young children. Additionally, the success of these ventures has provided a platform to showcase the effectiveness of The Umonics Method and build a strong reputation in the wider community.”

Suraj shared with us that her inspiration for starting the Umonics Method came from her own experience as a child struggling with memory. She saw the potential for children to develop strong memory skills from an early age and decided to dedicate herself to teaching memory techniques to young children.

One of the key strategies Suraj uses in teaching memory techniques to young children is through play and fun activities. She believes that children learn best when they are engaged and having fun, and that incorporating memory techniques into games and activities can help them develop their memory skills in a natural and enjoyable way.

Suraj has seen firsthand the positive impact that the Umonics Method has had on children who participate in it. She shared success stories of children who were struggling with memory but were able to make significant improvements after participating in the Umonics Method program.

However, Suraj also faced challenges in developing and promoting the Umonics Method. She shared with us that one of the biggest challenges was convincing parents and educators of the importance of memory training for young children. She overcame this challenge by providing evidence-based research and testimonials from satisfied parents and educators.

What role do parents play in helping their children develop strong memory skills? How can parents support their children’s learning at home?
Parents play a critical role in helping their children develop strong memory skills. As the primary caregivers and first teachers of their children, parents can support their children’s learning at home by creating a positive learning environment and providing them with opportunities to practice their memory skills.

One of the key ways parents can support their children’s learning is by providing them with regular and consistent opportunities to practice their memory skills. This can be done in a variety of ways, such as playing memory games, reading together and asking questions about the story, or encouraging children to memorize poems, songs, or other pieces of literature. By providing children with these opportunities, parents can help them develop the cognitive and neural pathways necessary for strong memory retention.

Another way parents can support their children’s learning is by creating a positive learning environment at home. This can be done by setting aside a specific time and place for learning, minimizing distractions, and providing children with the necessary tools and resources to support their learning. Additionally, parents can provide their children with praise and positive feedback for their efforts, which can help build their confidence and motivation to continue learning and practicing their memory skills.

Parents can also model good memory skills themselves, such as by using mnemonic devices or other memory techniques to remember important information, which can help children see the value and importance of developing strong memory skills. Additionally, parents can help their children develop good study habits and time management skills, which can support their overall learning and memory retention.

What do you think are some of the biggest misconceptions about memory training, and how do you address them in your work?
There are several misconceptions about memory training that I have come across during my work with The Umonics Method. One of the most common misconceptions is that memory training is only for those who are struggling with memory-related issues. This is not true, as memory training is beneficial for people of all ages and backgrounds, including those who are already high-performers. The Umonics Method aims to help individuals improve their memory capacity and unleash their full potential.

Another common misconception is that memory training is just about memorizing facts and figures. However, at The Umonics Method, we focus on developing memory techniques that can be applied in various areas of life, such as remembering names and faces, learning languages, and retaining important information. We also emphasize the importance of understanding the concepts behind the information, rather than just memorizing them.

Some people also believe that memory training is time-consuming and requires a lot of effort. While it is true that learning and applying memory techniques takes practice, it is important to note that the benefits of improved memory capacity far outweigh the effort put in. At The Umonics Method, we make our memory training program fun and engaging, with activities and games that make learning enjoyable.

Lastly, some people believe that memory training is a one-size-fits-all approach. However, we know that everyone’s brain is different, and our memory training program takes into account individual learning styles and preferences. We also offer personalized coaching to help individuals identify their strengths and weaknesses and develop memory strategies that work best for them.

How do you see the field of memory training evolving in the coming years, and how do you hope to be a part of that evolution?
As a pioneer in the field of memory training, I believe that the future of memory training is bright and full of possibilities. We have already made great strides in understanding how the brain processes and stores information, and I believe that we will continue to make even greater advancements in this area in the years to come.

One of the major trends that I see happening in the field of memory training is a greater emphasis on personalization and customization. Everyone’s brain works a little differently, and what works for one person may not work for another. By tailoring memory training programs to each individual’s specific needs and learning style, we can help more people unlock their full memory potential.

Another trend that I see happening is an increased use of technology in memory training. With the rise of mobile devices and other digital technologies, we now have more tools than ever before to help people train their memories. Whether it’s through the use of apps, games, or other interactive tools, I believe that technology will play a big role in the future of memory training.

As for my own role in this evolution, I hope to continue to be at the forefront of memory training research and development. I am always looking for new and innovative ways to help people improve their memory skills, and I will continue to collaborate with other experts in the field to push the boundaries of what is possible.

What advice would you give to other entrepreneurs and CEOs who are looking to make a positive impact in the world, as you have with The Umonics Method?
To other entrepreneurs and CEOs who are looking to make a positive impact in the world, I would offer several pieces of advice. First, it is essential to find a cause or issue that you are passionate about and truly believe in. This will give you the drive and motivation to see your vision through even when faced with challenges and setbacks.

Secondly, it is crucial to conduct thorough research and analysis before launching your venture. This will help you identify gaps in the market, potential competitors, and other factors that could impact the success of your project. Having a clear understanding of the market and your target audience will allow you to make informed decisions and develop effective strategies.

Thirdly, surround yourself with a strong and supportive team. Building a team with diverse skill sets and perspectives will help you approach challenges from different angles and develop innovative solutions. It is also crucial to foster a positive and collaborative work environment that values open communication, creativity, and constructive feedback.

Fourthly, be flexible and adaptable. The business landscape is constantly evolving, and it is important to be able to pivot and adjust your strategies as needed. Embrace change and view challenges as opportunities to learn and grow.

Lastly, stay true to your values and maintain a strong sense of purpose. Running a business can be challenging and demanding, but staying focused on your mission and the positive impact you want to make in the world can provide a sense of fulfillment and motivation to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals.

Finally, what are your long-term goals for The Umonics Method, and how do you hope to continue revolutionizing memory training for kids in the future?
My long-term goal for The Umonics Method is to continue to revolutionize memory training for kids and expand the reach of our programs to as many children as possible. I believe that memory training is an essential component of a child’s overall development and can have a profound impact on their academic and personal success. As such, I am committed to ensuring that more and more children have access to the tools and techniques they need to succeed in life.

To achieve this goal, I plan to continue to develop and refine our memory training programs, ensuring that they are tailored to the unique needs of each child. We will also be expanding our reach through partnerships with schools, community organizations, and other groups that share our commitment to improving the lives of children.

In addition, I am exploring new technologies and approaches to memory training that can enhance the effectiveness of our programs and make them even more engaging and interactive for kids. For example, we are currently exploring the use of gamification and virtual reality to make learning more fun and exciting for kids.

Ultimately, my goal is to create a world where every child has the opportunity to reach their full potential and achieve their dreams, regardless of their background or circumstances. I believe that The Umonics Method can play a key role in making this vision a reality, and I am committed to doing everything in my power to ensure that we continue to innovate and push the boundaries of what is possible in the field of memory training for kids.

“Our long-term goal at The Umonics Method is to empower every child with the tools and techniques they need to unlock their full potential and achieve their dreams. We will continue to innovate and push the boundaries of memory training, while expanding our reach and impact through partnerships and collaborations with like-minded organizations. Together, we can create a brighter future for all children, regardless of their background or circumstances.”

Sancy Suraj is an innovative entrepreneur who has made it her mission to help children develop strong memory skills from an early age. Through the Umonics Method, Suraj has shown that memory training can be fun and effective for young children. She has overcome challenges in developing and promoting her method and has seen firsthand the positive impact it has had on children. We look forward to seeing Suraj’s continued success in revolutionizing memory training for kids.